
Research & Development

We create formulations according to your wishes and can draw on an existing recipe pool with high-quality formulations that can be adapted according to your needs.

Where a clever idea meets the right will to change and improve, great things grow. That is why we are not content with implementing what already exists.

The energy and drive of our employees should carry you and us forward, should create something new. To achieve this, we consistently focus on intensive and continuous development work, which is measured by our global activities.

In our own, perfectly equipped laboratories (e.g. for microbiology), competent chemists, biologists and laboratory technicians develop and investigate pioneering textures. In many cases, this research is stimulated and further developed through close cooperation with renowned external research institutes. In addition, our current program includes more than 400 formulations for excellent hair cosmetics.

Well thought-out and groundbreaking for the achievement of common goals – through research and development from Ewald Solutions. We know what works. Find out for yourself, too.



  • 4 batch boilers with 2000l usable capacity each
  • 1 batch boiler with 300 l usable capacity
  • Production of aqueous to highly viscous products
  • Plants can be cooled and heated
  • Each batching plant is equipped with a homogenizer
  • Wax melting tank


  • 1 preparation unit with 1600l nominal capacity – corresponds to approx. 800 kg usable capacity
  • 1 preparation unit with 300l nominal capacity – corresponds to approx. 150 kg usable capacity
  • 1 preparation unit with 100l nominal capacity – corresponds to approx. 50 kg usable capacity
  • Plants are equipped with ploughshares or bucket shovels and cutterheads.
  • All plants can be sprayed with liquid via spray heads.


Bottling Liquids

  • Plastic, aluminum and glass bottles
  • Plastic tubes
  • Aluminum tubes
  • cans, jars
  • Canisters
  • Containers

Bottling Powder

  • Can
  • Bag
  • Bucket
  • Pouches
  • Big Packs
  • 100g – 1000kg

Picking, Warehouse & Logistics


  • Packing in cartons or trays
  • Tight banding of single and multiple packages
  • Cellophaning
  • Packaging of folding boxes and kits
  • Packaging of assortments on trays

Warehouse & Logistics

  • 11,000 pallet spaces in the high-bay warehouse for packaging materials
  • Hazardous materials warehouse
  • Storage tanks and collecting trays for liquid raw materials according to WHG (Water Resources Act)
  • Computerized warehouse management system
  • Chaotic storage system
  • Efficient and safe material flow from incoming goods to outgoing goods
  • Complete deliveries or storage of goods until call-off according to agreement
  • Fast and efficient picking up to the registration of the trucks